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2 weeks ago

Come see us (and Haydn) this Thursday at the Local To Ludlow Producers Market. Joining the rest of us this week will be Hare Hill Farm Fletchers Cider and Peter the Bee and Friends ....more stalls next time!Plus all of these lovely folk:Apley Castle Cakes Kirkwood Distillery Truly Tea Cosy Kitchen Rustic Puglia Wenlock Edge Farm Lizzie's Layers Perry Wood Farm Shropshire salumi Hundred House Coffee Mr T's Pies Dick's Market Garden and Bakery Appleteme Aunty Mo's Handmade Scotch Eggs Tuston Market Garden Ludlow Street CafeGeorgina’s FlowersLightwood CheeseAndrew King Chocolates Danielle Flowers Contemporary Craft Lalita’s Indian Street Food Pentre FarmBee Biotic Marches MushroomsNiki Guy ... See MoreSee Less
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July, 2021.

Local to Ludlow Market 21 Years Old

Ludlow's popular Local Produce Market is coming of age as one of England's longest standing farmers' markets. It started back in the year 2000, not long after the City of Bath’s, which was the first one in the country.

At the market on July 22nd we will be celebrating this milestone birthday and also saying goodbye to two of its founders, Peter and Kate Norman.

The celebrations, with invited guests including Ludlow’s new mayor, will be held in the square alongside the 404th market, and will start with a free breakfast for the stallholders, followed at noon by a brief speech and cutting of a cake.

The market, held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month throughout the year, prides itself on abiding to the main principles that govern farmers' markets: the stallholders are all directly involved in the making of the products they sell, which are grown, raised, processed or created locally.

One of the market’s distinctive features was its ‘Local to Ludlow’ slogan and logo with the three tomato tops, signifying produce that was grown with 30 miles of Ludlow.

Now widely adopted by shops and restaurants to highlight recognised local food and drink, as well as on the iconic green bags, it has developed a life of its own.

In the early days the market was just once a month, going twice monthly in 2007 and has been continuous since its inception, only stopping due to the Foot and Mouth outbreak in 2001 and last year’s early lockdown.

It has had hundreds of stallholders during the 21 years, yet a couple of traders still coming were present at the very first market. It has survived gale force winds, snow, heatwaves, torrential rain and now even a pandemic.


May, 2020.

Press Release: Local to Ludlow Market to return

Local to Ludlow Shop success, but now time for market to return.

Local to Ludlow, the organisers of the long established and extremely popular farmers market in Ludlow are now into their sixth week of a ‘pop up’ shop.

View full Local to Ludlow Market to return press release.


April, 2020.

Press Release: Success for Local to Ludlow Shop

Local to Ludlow organisers are delighted by the success of their very first pop up shop selling produce from their Ludlow market stallholders. They sold out of several lines early on due to support from a loyal customer base and by the end almost everything had gone.

View full Success for Local to Ludlow Shop press release.

April, 2020.

Press Release: Pop up Local to Ludlow Shop

Starting Thursday 9th April 9-2pm, there will be a pop up food shop, trading at the Local to Ludlow HQ, 4 Castle Square, Ludlow. To comply with trading standards the customers will be dealt with by staff from within the shop, with a managed queue system outside. There will be items for sale and pre orders for collection from some of the stallholders that attend the Ludlow Local Produce Market.

View full Pop up Local to Ludlow Shop press release.




August, 2019.

Cookery with Kids at market

mark williamsThe most wonderful Mark Williams aka Mr. Pie man will be doing some cookery with kids this Thursday at our market.

Come and make your own burgers using Ludlow's finest produce. Open to children between 5 and 12.



September, 2018.

Ludlow School - Bake Off Winners!

The winners of the 2018 Great Local to Ludlow Bake Off will be announced at Ludlow Food Festival.

The judges will be our baking hero Helen Melrose and Howard Middleton.


July, 2018.

18 Years of Age

18 years oldYay we're 18 years old this Thursday!

Can you believe it, back in the year 2000 some peeps thought it was a good idea to bring food producers direct to the market place following the concept of farmers' markets.

We were one of the first in the country and still going strong. Bravo!


June, 2018.

Wild Cookery Sessions at Ludlow Infants School

wild cookeryToday was the first of our wild cookery sessions with Ludlow Infant School. The kids baked with wild garlic, nettles Jack by the Hedge and Dandelions and made elderflower cordial! All wonderful.

Thanks to all that shop at the Local to Ludlow market, shop and cafe.

Your support makes this happen...


March, 2018.

Moving towards being plastic free

green bagsYesterday we spoke to all our stallholders regarding their use of plastic in their business practice.

We were pleased that many have already reduced or don't rely on plastics at all.

We now encourage all our customers to bring their own bags, we suggest one for meat, one for veg and plenty more for other goodies.


February, 2017.

Bad weather cancels market

bad weatherLudlow ‘Ludlow Local Produce Market’ is cancelling tomorrow’s market (February 23rd) due to a severe weather warning.

Tish Dockerty market manager adds, ‘Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but after much deliberation we feel that this is the best decision.

Normal trading will be resumed in March! Even we can’t compete with gusts of up to 70mph.

We've never cancelled a market before due to bad weather.


November, 2016.

Local to Ludlow HQ Café & Shop opens its doors

local to ludlow hqThe door to this new establishment will open this Friday November 26th just in time for the Christmas season.

Come along to the new Local to Ludlow headquarters at 4 Castle Square, which will be a cafe and shop selling locally-produced food and drink and other goods.

The shop will also act as an information hub for Ludlow 21 and for other Local to Ludlow activities, which include the twice-monthly Local Produce Market, the green bags and a website listing local producers, shops and accommodation.


April, 2016.

Ludlow Local Produce Market at Brewery

For the first time ever Ludlow Local Produce Market will take place somewhere a little different at Ludlow Brewery.

ludlow brewerySo on the Sunday 1st May there will be a market in the brewery.

Market Manager Tish Dockerty explains – ‘Well we are one market short in April due to clashing with the May Fair with our 4th Thursday slot in Castle Square.

So rather than miss out we thought we’d try something a little different.


May, 2015.

Chelsea Award Winner Book Signing

herbs bookFresh back from Chelsea Flower show, Kim Hurst from Cottage Herbery, gold medal winner will be at Ludlow Local Produce Market next Thursday (May 28th) with her newly published book 'Hidden Histories: Herbs'.



Feb, 2015.

15 Years of Age

15 years oldYes that’s right we will be 15 years old this July!

So we are busy planning a very special party where all stallholders and customers have a great celebration together.

Watch this space for more information.


Nov, 2014.

New market Newsletter – ‘Rhubarb’

rhubarbThe market has launched its first ever newsletter, titled 'Rhubarb' and it's going down nicely.

The market has launched its very first newsletter, its debut was in Autumn and it has been very well received and continues with a Winter version - now available hot off the press.


December, 2012.

Christmas Market

We were joined around the Christmas tree which looked particularly frosty for the occasion by the choir from Ludlow Infants.

They brought with them plenty of Christmas joy with their sweet sounding voices.


October, 2012.

Apple Day

2 apple-dayPupils from Ludlow Infants School loved the opportunity to come and help press apples with the old 'rack and screw' press brought in especially by AppleTeme.

They drank the juice and thought it was delicious and tasted lots of different apple varieties and all voted on their favourites. The children all got to take a bottle home with them.


July, 2012.

Open Days

We were blessed with sun on our very first 'Open Days' weekend, were our producers opened their doors to the public and you could either organise your own trip or go on one of our organised walks, bike ride or mini bus tours.

We had lots of positive feedback and we are delighted to announce that we shall be doing another Open Days in 2013 on the 26th - 28th July, so put the date in the diary now.




April 2012

Visit from Headingley Farmers Market

headinglyOur heads 'were fizzing with ideas' exclaimed the ladies from the newly established Headingley farmers market in Leeds after their visit to the Ludlow Local Produce Market.

Our many years of being on the job proved a winner for the group that came and stayed in Ludlow and enjoyed everything it had to offer including produce that bulged in their bags on their long trip home.


August 2011

Morris Dancers

crooked steeple dancersThe sun shone and large crowds gathered round to watch the wonderful Crooked Steeple Morris dancers who entertained customers with their enchanting dance display and traditional acoustic music.




May 2011

Whit Week Walk

whitweekwalkGrow Cook Share organised a Whit Week Walk where 'would be' growers and their families were invited to visit Wigley's Field Allotments in Ludlow.

The group had a tour and enjoyed a picnic by the river, with the first local strawberries providing a tasty dessert! The Rockspring Community Food Garden (next to the Rockspring Community Centre on Sandford Road) is open on Thursday mornings 9.30am - 1pm.

Everyone is welcome to join us growing in the garden or visit us to get some ideas or support for growing at home.

April 2011


fidget pie certificateCongratulations to Jackie Limb from Moor Meals, a stallholder at Ludlow Local Produce Market.

She beat three other Fidget Pie contenders for first prize to represent Ludlow in the Shropshire Farmers' Market Fidget Pie and Pint competition.

Her pastry was awesome according to the judges Lesley Mackley, Will Holland, Kate Norman and Bruce McMichael.




March 2011


Filming took place at Ludlow Local Produce Market, for BBC2s documentary about Ludlow as part of a new series called 'TOWN with Nicholas Crane'. Nicholas lent a hand administering a survey of customers at the market. He also took time to interview some stall holders including Sara Jane from Ludlow Jam Pan and Jez Lavell from Forest Pig.


December 2010

Christmas Market

Through the snow many of the Local Produce Market's devoted stallholders made their weary way to attend the last market of 2010.

The market brimmed with the best from small local artisan food producers and freshly picked local vegetables as well as a locally made butter and a hog roast.

The Local to Ludlow team offered local mulled cider from Ludlow Vineyard and Shropshire Prune damson mince pies to customers to help celebrate the end of the market's tenth anniversary year as well.


October 2010

Apple Pressing

apple pressingOur friends from Tickmore Apple Juice provided customers with the opportunity of pressing their own apples for juice at the market in October alongside some bobbing for children who were feeling lucky.

Judith and Ruth were on hand to help mulch the apples into a pulp and then prepare them for press, before bottling.'easy peasy' children's cookery successful year

'easy peasy' made their last appearance for the year at a major festival in October at The Taste Of Herefordshire Food Festival after its first highly successful year as operating as an independent initiative.

easy peasy logoSponsored by Herefordshire PCT 'Food for Life' campaign easy peasy worked with over eighty children to produce a healthy and seasonal mini pizza or apple muffins. Tish Dockerty stated, 'It was a lovely weekend, it's just so rewarding, the children so enjoyed the hands on opportunity to make real food completely from scratch.

It means that pizza and muffins can be healthy and tasty at the same time.' The easy peasy cookery school appeared at many local events and big festivals throughout the year all of which were applauded by participants and organisers alike.


July 2010

Tenth Anniversary celebrations

cake cuttingThe market celebrated its 10th anniversary by hosting a lunch for invited guests that have helped support the market over the years, followed by a Celidh led by Terry Tandler's Golden Lion Light Orchestra.

Guests were served a Shropshire Fidget Pie made by Jane Lloyd from the Courtyard restaurant who also has a stall on the market.

The market, set up by Ludlow 21 back in July 2000, has brought local produce to the forefront of people's shopping lists in Ludlow.

It is a central part of the pioneering 'Local to Ludlow' campaign which aims to promote the consumption of local produce in and around the town.

Fidget PiesLater in the month the market played host to the culinary wizardry of Will Holland from La Bécasse.

Will's a great supporter of the market who demonstrated, with his usual wisdom and wit, a dish made up wholly of local produce.

We were also visited by BBC's Countryfile who used the market for filming one of their programmes all about local produce.


February 2010

New Local Food Website Launched

will at marketLudlow's local food campaigners are relaunching their promotional scheme this week with a new Local to Ludlow website, which now lists restaurants, local food producers, accommodation providers and shops. All the information will be available on the website at Pictured is Will Holland, Head Chef from La Bécasse, one of the listed restaurants out shopping at Ludlow Local Produce Market. Will is a great supporter of local food and uses it wherever he can in his innovative Michelin star menus.

Listed alongside La Bécasse are small scale food producers who are regular stallholders at the Local Produce Market and shops and accommodation that provide visitors with local produce.

Tish Dockerty, project coordinator, says, 'Our present website is very popular, with well over two thousand visitors a week. Our local food campaign is now well established and everyone recognises the 'Local to Ludlow' logo.

But the website needed redesigning so that we can keep it more fully up-to-date. The redesign was part funded by Shropshire Council's Sustainable Tourism Grant, for which we are very grateful'

The scheme is open to any qualifying business, details and application forms can be found on the website


February 2010

Grow Cook and Share

grow cook share webGrow Cook and ShareGrow Cook and Share - a major new local food project - has just started work in Ludlow East and Craven Arms with the arrival of two full-time members of staff. Pictured below are Valerie Meehan, coordinator, and Sarah Robinson, Community Gardener, during their first week at work.

Funded mainly by the Big Lottery Local Food programme the project will spend nearly £300,000 over four years giving training in vegetable gardening and cookery skills to local households.

Partners in the scheme are Ludlow Infant and Junior schools and Stokesay primary school, Craven Arms and Rockspring Community Centres and the Discovery Centre. The project was devised jointly by Ludlow 21, Craven Arms Community Food and South Shropshire Housing Association.


May 2009

easy peasy launched

easy peasy logoWith grant support from the Shropshire Hills AONB Sustainable Dvelopment Fund we are launching a programme of cookery classes at rural schools during the Summer and Autumn terms using our mobile cooking trailer. As the promotional letter says:

'easy peasy' is all about teaching young children (6-11 year olds) basic cookery skills with a focus on healthy eating and cooking from scratch with fresh local seasonal produce.

'easy peasy' comes as a mobile kitchen which can be set up in a playground, drive or car park (footprint is 5m x 3.2m). The kitchen can take up to ten children at a time facilitated by two trainers who will take the children through a recipe step by step allowing for 'a hands on' cooking experience. The sessions reinforce key government messages including 'Five a Day' and 'The Eatwell Plate'.

Bookings are now being taken for Summer and Autumn terms 2009. For further information and to make a booking please contact Tish Dockerty Project Coordinator on 01584 872043 or email


December 2008

Local to Ludlow Goes Mobile

mobile 08dec2Just before Christmas we completed a programme of six cookery classes for children and adults at sites around Ludlow using a mobile cooking trailer financed mainly by Awards for All.

The trailer and events were jointly funded by the Lottery grant, Ludlow Food Festival, a Ludlow Area Pilot grant and a contribution from Local to Ludlow reserves.

Pictures below show the trailer in use at the Local Produce Market, the Rockspring Centre and the Food Festival Fringe where it was also fully tested by professional chefs from La Becasse and Fishmore Lodge restaurants.

The trailer is a major asset for Local to Ludlow and will be regularly used for school cookery classes and catering at community events.

mobile 08dec1 mobile 08dec7 mobile 08dec6


December 2007

Ludlow Local Produce Market twice monthly from March

2008 leafletIn response to customer demand and with the support of local shopkeepers the Local Produce Market will run twice monthly from March 2008 - on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

Although not all the present producers can fit an extra market into their schedules we have a long waiting-list and expect numbers to remain around forty.

This means that there will be a slightly different character to alternate markets but with a full range of products at each.

A major poster and leaflet campaign starts this month to publicise the new dates.



November 2007

A busy summer and autumn for Local to Ludlow

freelunchSMLStarting with a birthday party in July there have been events each month to promote Local to Ludlow and the Local Produce Market.

The Local Produce Market on July 12th marked our seventh birthday. In celebration the first 100 customers enjoyed a free lunch and free beer followed by a ceilidh for Local to Ludlow volunteers, customers and producers.

At the August market on the theme of Bees and Honey we had children's workshops on bee-skep making and bug creation. For the Ludlow Marches Festival of Food and Drink in September we presented the Local to Ludlow Show - a panto about local food and resisting the lure of the supermarkets.

 bug makingDuring the October market we celebrated the apple season with an identification service, juicing of customers apples and apple tastings.

Several classes of schoolchildren came along to help with the apple pressing and to enjoy the tastes of unusual apple varieties.

Finally, in November, Local to Ludlow teamed up with Ludlow Choral Society to sponsor a meal of local produce for the Boyan ensemble of Ukraine whose plans for a tour of the UK had been badly hit financially by a doubling of the visa fee.

boyan SMLCapers, who cook regularly at the Local Produce Market, served up venison stew with red cabbage followed by apple crumble and cream and delicious cakes from Love Patisserie.

By way of thanks the ensemble gave us an impromptu rendering of a song about the joys of music before departing for their concert at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms. Ian Ray of Wall's butchers in the Local to Ludlow Show.



June 2007

Local to Ludlow Cornstarch bags launched

Ludlow Local Produce Market on June 14th saw the launch of a pilot project to replace conventional plastic bags with environmentally friendly cornstarch bags which decompose fully in composting conditions. Ten retailers - five Ludlow shops and five market traders - have each purchased 2,000 bags to test out customer response helped by a grant from South Shropshire Opportunity Fund and coordinated by Local to constarch 07june1Ludlow.

For Ludlow residents the bags have the great advantage that, when they are no longer needed, they can be used to wrap food waste and are fully compatible with the Ludlow Biodigester.

Sue Davis of South Shropshire District Council Waste Service has distributed samples to all the Biffa crews so that they will not be rejected in the green wheelie bins or the blue food caddies.

All participating retailers have a briefing sheet to show to customers explaining the advantages of the bags.


February 2007

Market suffers from extreme weather

windy marketAfter having to abandon the market due to high winds in January producers and customers were drastically down in February due to snow storms.

On January 11th most stallholders turned up despite high winds but as the wind increased things became more and more hazardous. While anxious consultations were taking place with the Town Council's market manager - Roy Guestford - one set of stalls was lifted into the air and fell in a jumble of metal and canvas. Luckily no-one was hurt but the market had to be abandoned

Wind DamageFebruary 8th saw one of the few snow falls of the year making roads impassable for some producers and trading conditions virtually impossible. Newly appointed market manager - Tish Dockerty - and her voluntary helpers stuck it out to support the six brave souls who set up their stalls. The few customers who ventured out received particularly attentive service and spirits remained high through the day.

Pictured above are Tish Dockerty at the February market with her snowman and the results of wind damage in January.


October 2006

Bumper Produce Market during Shropshire Hills Farmers' Markets month

October was a good month for Ludlow Local Produce Market with features in three national journals and a record number of producers selling their wares.

The market was listed as one of the best farmers' markets in the Central region in The Times Real Food Guide (printed mid September and online) the Guardian Food Directory (published on October 14th) and Country Life (nominated by Shaun Hill).

Recent recruits to the market include Catherine Moran from Orleton selliing her cream-based desserts under the mouth-watering trade name Sweet Stuff Slow. Mary Wainwright from Canon Pyon now sells her garden fruit and vegetables at the market.

Ian Fuller, formerly chef at Ego restaurant, has recently set up Capers Bespoke Catering and prepares delicious hot meals to eat at the market - this month Irish stew with mutton from Tickmore. The addition of these new recruits to the regular and seasonal traders boosted numbers in October to 42 compared with a previous record of 39 producers.

The number of shoppers was also up reflecting the extra publicity for farmers' markets in South Shropshire during Shropshire Hills farmers' markets month. Aided by grants from the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Sustainable Development Fund, all six markets (Ludlow, Craven Arms, Knighton, Bishop's Castle, Church Stretton and Much Wenlock) now have their own distinctive logo, banners,publicity leaflets and notice-boards.

There has also been a concentrated advertising campaign in the press and on local radio and £1 vouchers to redeem at the smaller markets. Ludlow has benefitted from the general increase in publicity and from supply of new A-boards for use on market day.


May 2006

Survey reveals importance of farmers' markets for producers' businesses

Following a successful day conference on Growing the Local Food Economy in the Ludlow Marches last year a Food Events group was set up to investigate better promotion of local farmers' markets and food festivals. The first result of their efforts was a joint publication listing details of the markets at Knighton, Bishops Castle, Craven Arms. Church Stretton, Much Wenlock and Ludlow and a calendar of food events in the Shropshire Hills area.

A detailed survey of both customers and producers at the six markets has now been produced with grant aid from the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Sustainable Development Fund and is available on the AONB website or from the publications page.

In a sample of 59 producers three-quarters said that their income from farmers'markets was either important or crucial. Their main reason for direct selling apart from income was the opportunity to meet people face to face as a means of promoting their businesses. The most striking finding from the customer survey is the strength of support for local producers; this was given as the main reason for shopping at farmers' markets by most customers.

All parties stressed the need for greater publicity and the Food Events group is now exploring the possibility of joint promotion of farmers' markets within or bordering the Shropshire Hills AONB.

April 2006

B&B group plan joint shopping

oaken EGGSDuring 2005 Local to Ludlow launched a new website listing of bed and breakfasts which specialise in meals using locally-produced ingredients. Local to Ludlow organisers Pam Latchford and Irene Harlington have since established regular meetings of the group to investigate ways of promoting the local produce theme.

At a recent meeting to explore bulk ordering of key products such as apple-juice, members visited the Local Produce Market to discuss supply and to stock up with some basic ingredients.

Pictured (right) are four of the group buying eggs and wild rabbit at the stall of Carol-Ann Wood of Oaken Eggs, Bridgnorth.


March 2006

Market regular retires

regular retires march06After attending every one of Ludlow's Local Produce Markets since they started in July 2000 George Lewis of Priors Halton and Orleton Farm Shop retired from the market in January. His unique record and contribution to the market were recognised at a short ceremony during last Thursday's market (March 9th) when he was presented with a "Loyal to Ludlow" tankard engraved with the message "never missed a market".

Presenting the tankard Kate Norman, Chair of Local to Ludlow, said " I calculate that George has attended 63 consecutive markets. In fact he did one extra because he turned up and traded from his trailer in January two years ago when the rest of the market was cancelled because the stalls started blowing over." Kate recalled that George was a member of the Food and Farming Group and gave invaluable advice before the market even started. "He and his family are a shining example of what can be achieved in farming by hard work and a willingness to innovate" she said.

Other longrunning stallholders joined in a toast to George drunk in sparkling organic perry produced by Martin Harris of Butford Organics. Pictured beside his newly badged trailer are George Lewis and Kate Norman enjoying the toast.


October 2005

Local to Ludlow Shopping Bags selling well

shopping bagsLaunched at this year's Ludlow Marches food and Drink Festival in September the first batch of 500 eco-friendly Local to Ludlow shopping bags has already sold out. Two hundred were sold at the Food Festival and the rest have been promoted by many of Ludlow's independent food retailers and the Tourist Information Centre. The bags are made of jute which is both a sustainable raw material and completely biodegradeable.

Ludlow's Church Street is the scene of a friendly but hard-fought battle between two shopkeepers competing to sell the most bags. Both Rob Morris of the Fruit Basket and Mark Hindle at the Mousetrap Cheese Shop, immediately opposite, are promoting the bags and keeping the score. Mark reckons he will win long-term. "The people who buy them from my shop are mostly visitors" he says; "we sold five to a group of Americans recently and that is a huge market whereas Rob sells mostly to local people and Ludlow will soon reach saturation". Rob, however is confident he will win; "A lot of my customers are very keen to support Local to Ludlow and will buy them as Christmas presents. We are a long way yet from saturation and we won't reach it before they run out".

A new batch of bags will be ready in early December. Meanwhile shoppers can keep abreast of the score in Church Street by looking for the green chalk marks on the wall outside the two competing shops.


July 2005

Market hosts a fifth birthday party

fifth birthdayTo celebrate five successful years in business, organisers of Ludlow Local Produce Market hosted a lunch at the market on July 14th.

Invited guests included the many organisations with whom the Food and Farming Group have worked including representatives of Ludlow Town Council, the District Council, the Tourist Information Centre and local schools.

All the food and drink provided was bought from traders on the market and the birthday cake was made by Swift's a participating baker.





March 2005

Local Produce Market shows steady growth

For the 12 months to December 2004 the average number of producers attending the Local Produce Market reached just under 30. The trend has shown a steady increase in numbers since the market first started in 2000.

Average attendance in 2000 was just over 22 before Foot and Mouth disease caused suspension of the market for four months. After a relaunch in July 2001 numbers were down slightly as the farming economy recovered but had increased to an average of 23 in 2003. After a bad start in January 2004 when the market had to be cancelled because of storms the number of traders increased substantially through the year. At six of the markets 30 or more producers attended with a peak of 35 in November.

Inevitably, with seasonal trade, the number of producers varies month by month. However, comparing monthly numbers year by year in most cases shows each year improving on the same month for the year before.

In March 2005 the number of stallholders reached 37, the highest ever. With the return of some seasonal producers in April the total looks set to reach 40 - by far the largest and most varied farmers' market in the area.

May 17 2004

Ludlow Local Produce Market among the 50 best markets in Britain

This weekend's guide in the Independent newspaper (May 15th) includes Ludlow Local Produce Market amongst the fifty best markets of all types in Britain. It is one of the ten best food markets in the list chosen by food writer Henrietta Green and described by her as "stylish, with very good local meat". With over 30 producers in recent months the Ludlow market rivals Notting Hill farmers' market in London for size.

Kate Norman, Chair of Ludlow 21 Food and Farming Group who organise the market commented, " After four years' hard work it is gratifying that the exceptional quality of our market is recognised nationally. We obviously benefit from the reputation of the Food Festival and the restaurants in attracting food-lovers. But it is still a big challenge to build such a large and thriving market on a Thursday in a town the size of Ludlow. We hope this publicity will attract even more customers to our next market on June 10th and that they will keep coming on the second Thursday of every month."

The growth of the Ludlow market to over thirty stallholders has not been at the expense of proximity or of quality. With one exception, all stallholders come from within 30 miles of Ludlow - the definition of "Local to Ludlow" - and four of the regular attenders have won national awards for their goods. Mary Grey of Little Cefn Smokehouse, at Hissington won the silver medal of the Guild of Fine Food Retailers in 2002 for her smoked chicken breasts and in 2003 for her gammon steaks. In the baking section of the same competition Kay and David Fletcher of Cariad Cakes, Ludlow, won bronze medals in 2003 for their Shropshire Raspberry and Honey cake and for their White Star fruit cake.

In the Organic Food Awards 2003-04 sponsored by "You" magazine, the Mail on Sunday and the Soil Association Michael Leviseur of the Organic Smokehouse, Clunbury won first prize in the fish and seafood category beating some of the big names including Sainsbury's. Most recently the organic damson yoghourt produced by the farmers' co-operative at the Dairy House, Weobley, was chosen by Rick Stein as winner in the Food and Drink Expo's competition "Ideas to dine for!".

For more details of the market ring 01584 878398


April 1 2004

Farm Tours 2004

Booking starts today for this year's programme of guided farm tours. Building on the success of last year's programme, this year's visits cover sixteen producers in eleven tours. The first tour on Sunday May 9th returns to Gordon and Rosie Tudge's farm at Richard's Castle and then to Tom Froggatt's orchard at Ashford Carbonel.

Most of the farmers and producers attend the monthly Local Produce Market in Ludlow but some are taking part in the tours for the first time. For example, Fiona Bunting of Grove Farm near Leominster will be showing visitors her young lambs, ducks and chickens and the farm's orchard and old cider press. Lunch includes beef from the farm. At Cliff and Kathie Feetham's farm near Church Stretton the traditional hay meadows will be in flower and visitors will taste the lamb in which they specialise.

Many of the producers are organic specialists varying in size from a vegetable smallholding to a large dairy co-operative. Locations range from the hills of the Clun Forest to the floodplains of the river Arrow and the skills on show include sausage making, cheese making and the production of fine wines.

For full details contact Ludlow Tourist Information Centre 01584 875053

July 10 2003

The Queen visits Ludlow Local Produce Market on our third birthday

queen02On July 10, as part of a royal visit to Ludlow the Queen and Prince Philip toured Ludlow Local Produce Market guided by Kate Norman, Chair of Ludlow 21 Food and Farming Group. The bumper market included 30 food and drink producers and 12 local craft workers and the royal couple talked to every stallholder.

queen03The Queen was particularly intrigued by smoked butter on the stall of Michael Leviseur's Organic Smokehouse from Clunbury and took a sample to try. She also spent a long time looking for the queen bee in a clear-sided hive on the stall of Bob and Pam Mendy of Hill House Farm Apiaries

Prince Philip showed particular interest in the distribution of beer from the Davis family's Hobson's Brewery at Cleobury Mortimer. He also inquired closely about queen07the time taken to make the baskets on the stall of Jenny Crisp from Moreton-on-Eye - about a day's work in each one. Jenny grows her own willow and made a large basket especially for the occasion to carry the food and drink presented to the Queen.

queen 8After about 20 minutes talking to stallholders the Queen presented "Loyal to Ludlow" certificates to three stallholders who have attended every month since Ludlow Local Produce Market began in July 2000.

The three producers honoured in this way were G. & R. Tudge, Orleton Farm Shop and Hopesay Glebe Farm.

The Queen was particularly interested to hear that Rosemary Lewis of Orleton Farm Shop has recently started work for a period at Windsor Farm Shop.

queen 10Before leaving the Queen received a large basket of food and drink supplied from the market that day with a contribution from each of the stallholders.

After the royal party had left all the stallholders and the Local to Ludlow volunteers celebrated with a third birthday cake and glasses of elderflower champagne.



May 1 2003

Guided Farm Tours Launched

The first of eight guided farm tours takes place on Sunday May 11. Organised by the Food and Farming Group for South Shropshire Tourism Officer and funded by the Countryside Agency's 'Eat the View' programme, these visits illustrate the links between farming practices and the landscapes that they maintain. For more details see the Farm Tours page.


November 6 2002

New Shops Directory Launched

know your onions coverAs their next step in promoting locally produced food and drink the Ludlow 21 Food and Farming Group have launched a free guide to local produce in Ludlow shops. Entitled 'Know Your Onions' it lists the eighteen independent food and drink shops in Ludlow and some details of their local products. A map in the leaflet helps explain the meaning of 'Local to Ludlow'.

Aimed at both resident and visiting shoppers it will be widely distributed through tourist information points, bed and breakfast, hotels etc. Publication is financed partly by the shopkeepers themselves and partly by South Shropshire Tourism Association through the Countryside Agency Rural Innovation Fund.

Peter Norman, publicity officer to the Food and Farming Group explained "Our work has always involved promoting local food in the shops as well as through our monthly Local Produce Market.

This new publication was suggested by a shopkeeper who felt that we needed something to give to shoppers to explain the 'Local to Ludlow' campaign and how they can support it".

Copies of 'Know Your Onions' are now available in all the participating shops and will be distributed at the next Local Produce Market on 14th November in Castle Square, Ludlow.



September 1 2002

Local to Ludlow contributes to this years Ludlow Marches Food Festival

Ludlow 21 Food and Farming Group are playing an active part in this year's Ludlow Marches Food and Drink Festival ( For the first time the Local Produce Market on September 12 is included in the official programme. The market promises to be a bumper event with 26 stalls including two fish producers selling fresh trout and organic smoked salmon.

Throuhgout the weekend - from Friday 13th to Sunday 15th - 'Local to Ludlow'is running a stall in Ludlow Castle's inner bailey to publicise local food initiatives and, within Ludlow, both the monthly produce markets and the availability of local products in Ludlow's independent shops. A new leaflet promoting the shops - 'Know Your Onions' - is in preparation.

The programme of talks also includes two contributions from the Group. On Saturday 14th at 11.30 a.m. a member of the group will join a forum discussion on the role of supermarkets. And on Sunday 15th at 1.10 p.m. two members are giving a talk on 'Local Food Initiatives'.


August 22 2002

Local to Ludlow featured at Johannesburg summit

The work of Ludlow's Agenda 21 Food and Farming Group is featured as a case study in two official publications prepared for the Johannesburg Summit.

The Quiet Revolution published by Shell Better Britain Campaign reports on community-based sustainable development projects inspired by Agenda 21 set 10 years ago at the Rio Earth Summit (see previous news item). The food labelling scheme and Local Produce Market under the banner of 'Local to Ludlow' makes one of the three case studies of food projects highlighted in the report. See

And DEFRA's booklet called Reaching the Summit features 'Local to Ludlow' as the first of eight case studies which show "UK citizens both at home and abroad doing their bit to tackle the world's problems". Both the cover of the booklet and the case-study on page 4 carry a cheerful photo of Rob Morris of the Fruit Basket in Church Street Ludlow and his assistant Caroline Holmes. Rob specialises in local fruit and veg. particularly from the Teme Valley where he lives and he is an enthusiastic supporter of 'Local to Ludlow'. For the full report including photos unload a .pdf from


April 26 2002

Shell Better Britain Project 2002 features Local to Ludlow

On Thursday May 9, as part of their 2002 Project, the Shell Better Britain Campaign will visit Ludlow Local Produce Market to learn about the work of the Ludlow 21 Food and Farming Group. The Campaign helped with a grant when the Local Produce Market first started in July 2000 and the 'Local to Ludlow' logo was launched.

At the Harley Centre Mayor Rose Jones will welcome staff of the Shell campaign and visitors from other community projects round the country. Councillor Allison Cundall, Chair of Ludlow's Agenda 21, will accompany Kate Norman - Chair of the Food and Farming Group - in a presentation on their work and plans for the future.

After a guided tour of the Local Produce Market and the town's independent food and drink retailers, participants will enjoy a lunch of local produce before taking part in a discussion of the lessons to be learned from the Ludlow project.

'Local to Ludlow' is one of 80 community projects from across the UK selected to be part of Shell's 2002 Project. The 2002 Project is the first national showcase of the work of diverse communities to build a more sustainable future. It is timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit and the development of the Agenda 21 framework.